Welcome to Urban Politics
Bringing you a mix of information on current events and public policy. We offer alternative, progressive thought and prioritize local political issues. Also, it's the only site you will ever need to access candidate information in Colorado. We provide key news links along with social media links for all candidates in the 2018 election in one place.
Our Creed
We believe that 'We The People' is the primary tenant of our democracy.
We primarily feature and support Democratic Party Candidates in these races because we believe they truly stand for and legislate prioritizing this belief.
We support all democratic party candidates, including those that support Traditional, Progressive or Socialistic values.
We primarily feature and support Democratic Party Candidates in these races because we believe they truly stand for and legislate prioritizing this belief.
We support all democratic party candidates, including those that support Traditional, Progressive or Socialistic values.
Our Goals
1) Educate all voters about the Critical Topics affecting their lives, everyday.
2) Offer Opinions and Commentary from both sides of these Topics.
3) Centrally Locate ALL Candidate Website Links and Info in ONE Place by State.
4) Educate all voters about current issues these candidate are facing today.
2) Offer Opinions and Commentary from both sides of these Topics.
3) Centrally Locate ALL Candidate Website Links and Info in ONE Place by State.
4) Educate all voters about current issues these candidate are facing today.